Auctioneer Champions

Colt Johnson, Michigan Auctioneer Champion 2025

Mount Pleasant, Michigan – 26-year-old Colt Johnson from Farwell, Michigan, won the title of 2025 Michigan Auctioneer Champion at the 34th annual Michigan Auctioneer & Ringman Championships held at the Michigan Auctioneers Association convention in Mount Pleasant, Michigan.

With hundreds in attendance and the five finalists on the stage, you could hear a pin drop before the Master of Ceremonies announced, “And your 2025 Michigan Auctioneer Champion is………..Colt Johnson!”  which was met with a thunderous ovation.   Johnson was stunned by the announcement and said in part, “This is truly an honor.  I don’t know what to say. I’ve been trying at this for five or six years.” Then he paused and said, “I can’t believe it yet.”  He added, “Thank you to my uncle John McConnell, my dad, Matt Johnson, and Scott Sykora, who have all been my backbone during this journey and great mentors.”  Later, he thanked his wife, Breanna for her “love and unconditional support.”

For winning the title, Johnson received a championship buckle, trophy, and entry into the International Auctioneer Championship in July 2025 in Schaumburg, Illinois.

Professional auctioneering is in Johnson’s DNA, as his late uncle, Darell Dunkle, became a well-respected auctioneer from 1965-2022.  When Johnson was a little boy, he vividly remembers attending the Clare County Livestock Auction with his father, Matt Johnson.   As fate would have it, now Colt Johnson is an auctioneer for the Clare County Livestock Auction and sells every Monday.

The 2016 Clare High School graduate attended the World-Wide College of Auctioneering in Mason City, Iowa at the tender age of 15.  Immediately upon graduating from auction school, he began working with Sykora Auction Service and is celebrating his 11th work anniversary with the prominent auction firm.   Johnson also works at the Clare County Livestock, which he says, “it is the highlight of my week”.  He enjoys all auctions, but his favorite types of auctions are farm equipment and cattle auctions.



Established in 1951, the Michigan Auctioneers Association is dedicated to the enhancement of Michigan’s Auction Industry through education, promotion, advocacy and networking. The MAA is the professional association for auctioneers in Michigan, continuing to be one of the leaders in the industry, and is proving to continue in that direction in the future.  The Michigan Auctioneers Association is the largest representation of auctioneers in Michigan, providing a forum for networking, sharing ideas and experiences.  For more information about the Michigan Auctioneers Association and the auction industry in Michigan, log onto



Year Champion
2025 Colt Johnson
2024 Brad McGovern
2023 Ridge Bollheimer
2022 Jordan Miedema
2020 Jason Clark
2019 Billy Peyton
2018 Clayton Neal
2017 Eli Troyer
2016 John Beechy
2015 Wade Leist
2014 Laura Mantle
2013 Jimmy Lambert
2012 Henry Detweiler
2011 Jason Lamoreaux
2010 Peter D. Gehres, CES
2009 Beth Rose
2008 Jonathan Kraft
2007 Dan Samson
2006 David G. Helmer, GPPA
2005 Scott Miedema
2004 Mike Bliss
2003 Noah Smith
2002 Doug Heuker
2001 Art Smith
2000 Doug Sheridan
1999 Ed King, CAI*
1998 Kevin Belcher
1997 Willis Yoder
1996 Leroy Yoder
1995 Sid Miedema, Jr. CAI
1994 Dave Albrecht, CAI
1993 Tim Narhi
1992 Randy Brenner*
1991 William L. Sheridan, CAI, AARE
1990 Steve Stanton
1989 Herb Albrecht, CAI
Michigan Auctioneers Association
4529 Gibbs NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49544
Ph: 616-785-8288