MAA Advertising Opportunities

Want to Advertise to Michigan Auctioneers?

We have several advertising opportunities!

Advertise in the Michigan Auction Gavel & MAA eGavel

Now All Color! Click HERE for the Rate sheet

Advertise on the MAA Buyer’s Guide Online!

(Click on HERE to check out the Buyer’s Guide)
– Click HERE for the Buyer’s Guide Order Form

Advertise on the MAA eGavel!

(Click HERE to check out past issues of the eGavel)
The eGavel goes out to ALL Michigan Auctioneers, Members and non-members!  Ads are full color, clickable links.  LIMITED Space is available!  All ads are 3″h x 8.5″w and are $100 per issue.  We only publish two issues per year, Summer and Winter.  The Summer Issue promotes the Midwest Auctioneers Roundup and the Winter Issue promotes the MAA’s Annual Conference!


We have two opportunities to interact with Michigan Auctioneers in person!  The Annual Conference in January and the Midwest Auctioneers Roundup in June.  Both events are heavily attended and create great opportunities for you to network with Auctioneers!

– For info about the Midwest Auctioneers Roundup, go to