Summer 2016 eGavel

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Welcome to the MAA’s Summer 2016 eGavel!

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Summer 2016 eGavel in PDF

Inside this Issue…

  1. Cover Page
  2. Midwest Auctioneers Roundup, June 15-16, 2016, Shipshewana, Indiana
  3. Midwest Auctioneers Roundup Speakers
  4. Auctioneers: always written contracts by Mike Brandly
  5. The 29 things that should be in an auctioneer’s contract with a seller by Mike Brandly
  6. National Auctioneers Conference & Show, July 19-23, 2016Grand Rapids, Michigan
  7. Avoid One Issue Negotiaing, by John Hamilton
  8. Time is Money – The MAA’s CPM Program can save you both! by Jack Guza

#AuctionsWork! The MAA’s Campaign is promoting Auctions Worldwide!


* eGavel is offered complementary to all Michigan Auctioneers to advance auctioneering in Michigan.