Annual Conference 2024 – Schedule

***Schedule & Times are subject to change

Wednesday, January 31, 2024
9:00AM – 3:00PM Gwyn Besner
Michigan Real Estate Continuing Education Update
*Separate Registration Required 
3:30PM MAA Board Meeting 
4:30PM MAA Conference Committee Meeting
5:00PM MAA Past Presidents Meeting
6:00PM Conference Registration Opens
Exhibits Open
7:00PM Panel Discussion: Auction Setup Secrets for Success, Live and Online!
9:00PM – 10:00PM Welcome Reception
Exhibitors & Game Night!
*All Registrants are invited!
Thursday, February 1, 2024
7:30AM Christian Breakfast
*Separate Registration Required
8:00AM Registration Opens
Exhibits Open
8:30AM Dan Wyant
“5 Things to do Right to be Successful in Business”
10:00AM Thomas J. Lambert, PLC
“New Michigan Gun Reform Laws and What You Need to Know”
11:45AM Exhibitor/Sponsor Recognition Luncheon
1:00PM Brad Stoecker
“Online Auction Tech“
2:00PM Scott Sykora
“Finding Success in Traditional Farm Auctions with New Methods”
2:00PM CMA Mentorship Panel
*Separate Registration Required 
3:00PM – 4:00PM Break & Tour Exhibits
Nominating Committee Meeting
Hall of Fame Committee Meeting
Voter Registration
4:00PM MAA Annual Meeting & Elections 
6:30PM President’s Gala
Hall of Fame Presentation, Membership Awards, Marketing Awards, Scholarship Awards
*Included with your full conference registration!  
Be sure to attend!
9:00PM Karaoke!
Join us in Bennigans for Karaoke
Sponsored by
Friday, February 2, 2024
8:00AM Breakfast with the Exhibitors 
8:00AM MAA Board Meeting 
2024 Board of Directors
9:00AM John Hamilton
“Great by Choice”
12:00PM – 1:30PM Networking Luncheon
Ice Cream Social & Exhibitor Time
1:30PM – 2:45PM Kurt Paulsen
“Breaking a Million! How I Found Success as a New Auctioneer”
3:00PM – 4:00PM Wade Leist
“Effective Strategies and Techniques for Successful Fundraising Auctions”
4:00PM MAC & Ringman Contestant Prep & Rules Meeting
4:30PM Dinner on your own
6:00PM Michigan Auctioneer Championship Judges Meeting 
6:30PM Michigan Auctioneer Championship, Michigan Ringman Championship & MAA Benefit Auction

*All schedules and seminars are subject to change*